The managing director, György Naszódi, has worked with ultrasonic equipment since 1981, SERVINTERN ISZ. as a colleague. At that time, KLN Ultraschalltechnik GmbH. performed its representation and service. At the time of the system change, as anyone could do at the time, he founded his own company and became a co-owner of Realtrade Kft., where they manufactured self-developed ultrasonic cleaners (Realsonic), as well as KLN Ultraschalltechnik GmbH. their representation was also carried forward.
He founded HARDSONIC Bt in 1994. The main field of activity was industrial ultrasound, including ultrasonic cleaners and ultrasonic plastic welders. In addition, service and maintenance of machines and equipment used in other areas of use, or the design and construction of smaller control systems also fit into the profile. The founder threw himself into the domestic development and production of ultrasonic cleaners with great hopes and energy. The ultrasonic generators, vibrating units, submersible vibrators and vibrating plates were designed and manufactured here, and generators with a power of up to 300-2,000 W were also prepared for their operation. They have been distributed and installed for 5-8 years, also in self-designed and manufactured washing lines. We also produced single-chamber table washers according to individual needs. In addition, multi-chamber, automatic washing lines of our own design and construction, equipped with our own ultrasonic units, were made for the domestic, Romanian and Serbian markets.
Some nostalgic photos of these.
Unfortunately, the conditions at the time were not favorable for small series production, the u.n. was uneconomical. series production. We only kicked the ball if there were no hits in the “standard” and therefore cheap offerings of foreign manufacturers.
Since the year after the foundation, in 1995, Sonics & We took over the Hungarian representation of Materials Inc. and moved in the direction of ultrasonic welders. Little by little, the production of the cleaners, the production of the corresponding ultrasonic parts and components was liquidated, approx. for 2011. The representation of ultrasonic washers and welders, with the associated services and service, became the main profile.
From 1995 to 2010, we represented and distributed the German MSW Ultraschallanlagen GmbH, now known as German Sonic Ultraschallanlagen GmbH. its products.
In 2009, we became Elma Schmidbauer GmbH, a manufacturer of ultrasonic cleaners. representation and service. Although we lost the exclusivity in 2012, the relationship between the two companies is consistently excellent, and we continue to repair and distribute cleaning tubs to this day.
In 2003, the German Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH. was looking for a contractual partner in Hungary. After a few weeks of getting to know each other, we signed a long-term contract, which will be terminated completely in the spring of 2022.
Until 2012, our company was located in the area of the former Weiss Manfred Művek ( Csepel Művek ) in Varrógépgyár utca. Thanks to the close cooperation with Herrmann GmbH, we moved to Budaörs to a larger, better location. On more than 310 m2, offices, a workshop, a consignment warehouse, a welding laboratory, a presentation and training room served our customers. The first picture shows the somewhat crowded Csepel office, the others at Budaörsi u.n. TechCenter.
We took over the representation of Sonics & Materials Inc. in Hungary, moving in the direction of ultrasonic welders.
Contractual partner
In 2003, the German Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH. was looking for a contractual partner in Hungary.
In 2009, we became Elma Schmidbauer GmbH, a manufacturer of ultrasonic cleaners, representation and service.
Representation and service
Budaörs location
Thanks to the close cooperation with Herrmann GmbH, we moved to Budaörs to a larger, better location.
We look forward to seeing our old and new customers and those interested in technology in the future. Hardsonic continues to operate in the field of ultrasound technology and undertakes a brand-independent service. Since one welder can serve several projects, the ultrasonic tools (sonotrodes) and welding nests (jig, ambos, anvil) required for new projects are designed, manufactured and put into operation as required.